Scene Delete : The Remixes
Scene Delete : The Remixes

The celestial drones of Eat Lights Become Lights version of ‘Detour’ open the album, setting the scene for an exploratory journey of personal interpretations. 'Shelter' takes on a new form thanks to German musician Christian Löffler while multi-genre producer Max Cooper uses emotional dance floor experimentation to take album opener 'Channel Deq' towards deep melodic territory.
And other unreleased remixes come from Stet, Colin Benders, Skanna, and, while ‘Pontiac’ is transformed beyond recognition by Matthew Dear (and Audion) into a warped techno freak out, Sasha also provides his own epic beatless remix.
1. Detour (Eat Lights Become Lights Remix)
2. Shelter (Christian Löffler Remix)
3. Bring On The Night-time (Stet Remix) 4:30
4. Channel Deq (Max Cooper Remix)
5. Vapour Trails (Kiasmos Remix)
6. Abacus (Plaid Remix)
7. Pontiac (Sasha Beatless Remix)
8. View 2 (Colin Benders Remix)
9. Cassette Sessions D (Throwing Snow Remix)
10. Cassette Sessions E (Rival Consoles Remix)
11. Pontiac (Matthew Dear Remix)
12. Rooms (Skanna Remix)